Saturday, December 6, 2008

JAMES YOUNG-Out on A Day Pass

I am a huge Styx fan, and I will tell anyone. I have followed all the members past and present, through whatever they have released. But I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that this is the worst Styx related cd I have, and one of the worst cds in my collection.

OUT ON A DAY PASS is everything you hate about JY. His singing is whinny, his playing is half-hearted, his writing is clueless and his production is hollow. JY has always worked well when pushed by someone or teamed up with another singer/songwriter. use Styx for example. Miss America, Half Penny Two Penny fit into a concept and are excellent songs. Home wrecker he pretty much just going thru the motions.

Also JY kills a awesome Styx song, Young Man, by redoing it. The song lacks all the punch it had when it was first released on the SERPENT record.

Nothing really comes together on this cd, not the writing, singing, or playing

Grade: D-

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